The Monday Shop: Retail, Boutique Branding

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The Monday Shop: Retail, Boutique Branding

Graphic Design: Boutique Branding

“The Monday Shop” Retail Boutique Etsy Shop Logo Branding by Paul Kazmercyk at Granite Bay Graphic Design

The Monday Shop Logo Branding and Application to a Variety of products.


“Branding can be the deciding factor for consumers when they make a purchase decision. In fact, a Capgemini study found that users who feel a connection to a brand spend twice as much money as those who don’t. Branding gives your business an identity beyond its product or service. It gives consumers something to relate to and connect with.  Branding makes your business memorable. It’s the face of your company and helps consumers distinguish your business across every medium. Branding supports your marketing and advertising efforts. It helps your promotion pack that extra punch with added recognition and impact.  Branding brings your employees pride. When you brand your company, you’re not only giving your business identity, you’re also creating a reputable, highly-regarded workplace. Strong branding brings in strong employees.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


Graphic Design: Paul Kazmercyk


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