Quinnipiac University Annual Report Photo Montages

Quinnipiac University Annual Report Photo Montages

Granite Bay Design: Corporate Identity Graphic Design

Photo montages were created in Adobe Photoshop for Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut by Paul Kazmercyk at Granite Bay Graphic Design. Each montage is composed of several photographs supplied the University. For each page that featured a photo montage, Paul took images that he liked and brought them into Photoshop where he experimented with various masks, patterns and layers to eventually get to an overall feel for each page, then refining as the project progressed. Some montages use a circular structure and others a rectangular structure. Some of the montages used 15 or more layers to achieve the desired effect.

Example of the montage process. Using Photoshop masks and layers, I took images supplied by the University and created these complex montages:

Corporate Identity Design: Paul Kazmercyk | Client: Project Proposal

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