Ancient Mexico Art & Artifacts Panels B

Mexico City | Tenayuca | Chalco
“History may be accurate. But archaeology is precise.”Doug Scott
Michoacan | Chalco | Patzcuaro | Mexico
“We are as small as our joy and as big as our pain.”Mexican Proverb
Nayarit | Churubusco | Veracruz
First row, left to right: 1. Flat stamp from Mexico City. 2. A person wearing a large headdress from Tenayuca. 3. A representation of Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent from Michoacan. Second row, left to right: 1. Flat stamp from Chalco. 2. Flat stamp from Patzcuaro. 3. Stamp from state of Mexico. Third row, left to right: 1. Buzzard (Tzopilotl) from Guerrero. 2. A variation on the plumed serpent design from Zamora. 3. Lizard (Cuetzpalilin) from Teotihuacan. Fourth row, left to right: 1. Flat stamp from Nayarit. 2. From Mexico City. 3. From Guerrero. Fifth row: Left: A variation of the stepped-fret design (Xicalcoliuhqui). Right: From Churubusco. Bottom row, left to right: 1. A jaguar from Veracruz. 2. Shows a ritual rattle (Chicahuastil) from Mexico. 3. Flat stamp from Veracruz.
* All images were scanned from two different books, each by the same author and each with the same title, “Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico” by Jorge Enciso.
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