Ancient Mexico Art & Artifacts Panels G

Mexico City | Yucatan | Tlatilco
“Archaeology is the only branch of anthropology where we kill our informants in the process of studying them.”Kent V. Flannery
Teotihuacan | Oaxaca | Mexico City
Top row left and right: Braziers, trophies, shields. Second row, left to right: 1. Top: A hummingbird (Huitzizillin) from Yucatan. 1. Bottom: Bird design from Mexico City. Middle top: Dog’s from Mexico City. Middle bottom: Unidentified animal from Tlatilco. Right: Lizards from Teotihuacan. Third row: A human figure. Bottom row, left to right: 1. A sun emblem from Oaxaca. 2. Of unknown origin. 3. Symbols of the god called “Five Flowers” (Macuilxochitl).
* All images were scanned from two different books, each by the same author and each with the same title, “Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico” by Jorge Enciso.
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