Ancient Mexico Art & Artifacts Panels–Group H

Mexico City | Guerrero | Cuautzingo, Puebla
“The subject-matter of archaeology is threefold-the oral, the written and the monumental.”Charles Thomas Newton
Tampico | Jalisco | Veracruz
“I’m not a believer in the future. The most interesting things are always behind us. I look at everything as archaeology”Robert Polidori
“As you see yourself, I once saw myself; as you see me now, you will be seen.”Mexican Saying
First row, left to right: 1. Motif of movement (Olin). 2. Shields with arrows and flags from Mexico City. 3. A brazier from Mexico City. 4. Monkey motif from Mexico City. Second row, left to right: 1. Fantastic bird design from Guerrero. 2. Fantastic bird design from Cuautzingo, Puebla. 3. Fantastic bird design from Guerrero. Third row, left to right: 1. Flat stamp from Tampico. 2. A human figure from Jalisco. 3. The owl (Tecolotl). 4. A wooden rattle (Chicahuastli). 5. Unidentified subject from Mexico City. Fourth row, left to right: 1. A wooden rattle (Chicahuastli). 2. A wooden rattle (Chicahuastli) from the state of Mexico. 3. A rattlesnake in a decorative pattern from Guerrero. 4. A wooden rattle (Chicahuastli). 5. A wooden rattle (Chicahuastli) from Mexico City. Fifth row, left to right: 1. A heron (Aztatla). 2. Top: Flat stamp from Mexico City. 2. Bottom: A flat stamp from Veracruz. 3. AN eagle (Cuauhtli) from Mexico City. Bottom row, left to right: 1. Vultures. 2. Dogs (Itzcuintli). 3. Dogs (Itzcuintli). 4. A buzzard (Cascacuauhtli).
* All images were scanned from two different books, each by the same author and each with the same title, “Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico” by Jorge Enciso.
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