Ancient Mexico Art & Artifacts Panels–Group J

Los Remedios | Guerrero | Chimalpa
“What’s interesting in archaeology is that we always understand other cultures by digging up their cities; architecture is almost always a way for us to formulate a diagram of how people used to live.”Jimenez Lai
Calixtlahuaca | Tabasco | Guerrero
“For me archaeology is not a source of illustrations for written texts, but an independent source of historical information, with no less value and importance, sometimes more importance, that the written sources.”Michael Rostovtzeff
“We are all made of the same clay, but not from the same mold.”Mexican Saying
First row, left to right: 1. A ritual mask from Veracruz. 2. Human figure from Guerrero. 3. A ritual mask from Los Remedios. Second row, left to right: 1. Flat stamp from Morelos. 2. A flat stamp from Tlaxcala. 3. Flat stamp of fantastic human figure from Chimalpa. Third row, left to right: 1. A double-headed bird from Calixtlahuaca. 2. Middle top: Decorative motif from Tabasco. Middle center: The king buzzard (Cozcacuautli). Middle bottom: Flat stamp from Apatzingan. 3. Right: Double-headed bird from Mexico City. Fourth row left: A serpent motif from Azcapotzalco. Fourth row right: Double=headed bird from Veracruz. Fifth row, left to right: 1. A bird Guerrero. 2. Middle top: A fish from Michoacan. Middle bottom: A lizard from Mexico City. 3. A flat stamp from San Andres. Bottom row, left to right: 1. Top left: From Guerrero. Bottom left: Of unknown origin. Middle: Birds from Guerrero. Top right: Flat stamp from Guerrero. Bottom right: A flat stamp from Guerrero.
* All images were scanned from two different books, each by the same author and each with the same title, “Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico” by Jorge Enciso.
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