Egypt: Archeology, Egyptologists, Hieroglyphics and Gods: Part 5

Hapi was considered the source of all life and prosperity in Egypt.
Hapi: God of Fertility
Hapi was a god of fertility in ancient Egyptian mythology, associated with the Nile River and its life-giving properties. He was often depicted as a man with large breasts and a prominent belly, symbolizing the abundance and fertility of the land. As the god of the Nile, Hapi was considered the source of all life and prosperity in Egypt. His annual river flooding brought rich silt and nutrients to the soil, allowing crops to grow and prosper. As a result, he was greatly revered by the ancient Egyptians, who depended on the river for their survival. Hapi was also associated with the inundation of the Nile, which was celebrated as a time of renewal and rebirth. The river’s flooding was believed to symbolize the god’s power and fertility and was often depicted in Egyptian art and literature. Throughout Egyptian history, Hapi remained an important figure, and his influence can be seen in many aspects of Egyptian culture, including art, literature, and religion. His legacy as a god of fertility and abundance continues to be felt today, and his image can be found in museums and collections worldwide. [C, D]
Khonsu: God of Lunar
Khonsu was a god of the lunar or moon in ancient Egyptian mythology. He was often depicted as a falcon-headed man wearing a lunar disk and crescent on his head. As a lunar deity, Khonsu was associated with timekeeping and the moon’s cycles. He was believed to regulate the rhythms of nature, including the tides, the menstrual cycle, and the growth of crops. He was also associated with healing and was believed to have the power to cure diseases and injuries. Khonsu was often honored with festivals and ceremonies, particularly during the lunar cycles. He was also closely associated with the goddess Hathor, who was believed to be his mother. Together, they were often depicted in Egyptian art and literature as a symbol of the lunar cycle and the cycles of nature. Throughout Egyptian history, Khonsu remained an important figure, and his influence can be seen in many aspects of Egyptian culture, including art, literature, and religion. His legacy as a god of the lunar and cycles of nature continues to be felt today and his image can be found in museums and collections worldwide. [C, D]
Celebrating the Explorers
Egyptologist Champollion, Jean-Francois
The world might never have heard of Champollion were it not for the Rosetta Stone. He was the intellect who broke the mysterious code of hieroglyphics, and because of this, is often recognized as the founder of Egyptology. In addition to his work with the Rosetta Stone, he visited Egypt and studied the monuments and collected a wide range of documentation. he also authored a series of scholarly works on Egyptian history, religion and language.
Egyptologist D’Athanasi, Giovanni
A Greek adventurer and collector of Egyptian artifacts, D’Athanasi originally came to Egypt in order to work for his father, a merchant. He was employed by Henry Salt and later, John Barker to collect antiquities, and managed to build up a sizable collection himself. He later disposed of this collection in three sales at Sotheby’s in London. Unfortunately, he apparently used these funds to become a picture dealer in London, at which he did poorly, and died in poverty.
Egyptologist Dodson, Aidan
A current British Egyptologist, Dodson read Egyptian archaeology at Durham, Liverpool and Cambridge Universities. he received his Ph.d. in 1995. He has lectured in England, Egypt, Canada and the United states, and is currently working on a scientific publication of the coffins and canopic equipment from the Tomb of Tutankhamun. His books include Egyptian Rock Cut Tombs, The Canopic Equipment of the Kings of Egypt and Monarchs of the Nile. [A]
2. The Canopic Jar—Symbol of Protection
3. The Crescent—Moon, Motherhood & Fertility
4. Ajet—Sunrise, Sunset, Creation & Rebirth
5. Red Crown (Deseret)—Kinship of North Egypt [B]
The Egyptian Gods
More About Ancient Egyptian Symbols
The Ankh is one of the most famous and used symbols of ancient Egypt and the world the Ankh showcases the concept of internal like and divine protection. It’s a cross with a looped top in a key-like shape, which has no beginning or end like the spirit of Ra, plus represents eternal life, the morning sun, purifying the life-giving power of water, clairvoyance, and the union of opposites like earth and heaven and male and female (Isis and Osiris).
Learn more at Egypt Tours Portal.
[2] The Djed is known as “The Backbone of Osiris”, it represents strength and stability and is linked to Osiris god of the underworld, and Ptah god of creation which makes it a symbol of resurrection and eternal life. Ancient Egyptians believed the Djed pillar was a combination of four pillars that held the four corners of the earth. It was also used as a fertility pole that rose during festivals that emphasized balance in life and hope in the afterlife, provided by the great Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Egypt.
Learn more at Egypt Tours Portal.
[3] The “Was” Scepter was an ancient Egyptian symbol of power and dominion of the god and the king in ancient Egyptian history and culture. The ancient Egyptians believed the sky was supported on four pillars in the shape of a Was specter. It is known as “Sculptor of the Earth” which presented the absolute meaning of completeness and totality. The staff is topped with the head of a canine which was developed in the time of king Djet (c. 3000 – 2990 BCE) of the first dynasty. Each god had his own specter-like Hathor, Isis, Ra, and many others.
Learn more at Egypt Tours Portal.
[4] The Scarab was one of the most well-known symbols of ancient Egypt during the first intermediate period (2181-2040 BCE) until the rise of Christianity. This ancient Egyptian symbol is seen in Egyptian art and iconography which is a species of the dung beetle. The shape of the scarab amulet came from the act of rolling the dung into a ball and laying its eggs in it and the dung served as food for the young when they hatched. Ancient Egyptians saw life coming from nothing which represented transformation, the recreation of life, and resurrection.
Learn more at Egypt Tours Portal.
[5] The Tyet: The ancient Egyptian Symbol Tyet Also known as Tjet, Tiet/Tyet, known as the knot of Isis or the blood of Isis, looks a lot like the Anka symbol except for its arms curved down. The symbol dates to the old Kingdom (2613 – 2181 BC) and represents the female genitalia. It was used as a funerary amulet made of a red stone or glass and was associated with many Ancient Egyptian Goddesses as well as Isis. It stands as a symbol for the female reproductive organs, and the goddess Isis in her role as the universal mother.
Learn more at Egypt Tours Portal.
[A] is from a feature by Jimmy Dunn in “Tour Egypt”.
[B and D] are from Egypt Tours Portal.
[C] is from Egypt Time Travel.