Architecture Group H
Architecture Highlights: A GBD Microsite
“Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light”
Le Corbusier
Above: A series of towers, from left to right: 1. Superimposed receding masses with cornices with an octagonal termination. 2. Superimposed with horizontal cornices, corner turrets and a central domed roof. 3. Receding corner buttresses, superimposed cornices and low chamfered spire. 4. A tower with horizontal divisions, cornice and parapet and central feature. 5. A round tower with an arcade at the base and top with a connecting spiral arcade treatment. 6. An octagonal tower with a small side tower , with horizontal bands and cornice on the larger tower and spiral bands and arcade motive on the smaller tower.
A projecting support of stone or brick built against a wall.
The projecting moldings that form the top band of an entablature or wall.
The projecting moldings that form the top band of an entablature or wall..