Celtic Symbols P–The Griffin

Celtic Symbols and  Language  A Granite Bay Design Microsite

Celtic Symbols and Language on Granite Bay Graphic Design
Celtic Symbols and Language on Granite Bay Graphic Design
Celtic Symbols and Language on Granite Bay Graphic Design

The Griffin

This symbol has the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. It combines the strong sides of both powerful animals.

The Griffin symbolizes loyalty, nobility and balance. The Griffin also represents the balance between goodness and darkness. The creature was thought to protect Celts on their journey after death. The Griffin also represents the balance between goodness and darkness. The creature was thought to protect Celts on their journey after death.


Inis do Mháire i gcógar é, is inseoidh Máire do phóbal é.

Tell something to Mary in confidence and she will tell the whole parish.