Celtic Symbols Q—The Celtic Spiral

Celtic Symbols and  Language  A Granite Bay Design Microsite

Celtic Symbols and Language on Granite Bay Graphic Design
Celtic Symbols and Language on Granite Bay Graphic Design
Celtic Symbols and Language on Granite Bay Graphic Design

The Celtic Spiral

This pattern is symbolic of eternal infinity, seeking the metaphysical and hunger for the spiritual.

At its core, the symbol is about the wearer’s place in the universe. The Celts point to man’s beginning, representing him a world too big to fathom. The wearer is self-contained and self-sufficient. The pattern refers to the constancy of harmony, persistent spiritual growth and the steadfastness of the body/spirit consciousness triad.


Ní dhéanfadh an saol capall rása d’asal.

Nobody can make a racehorse out of a donkey.