Granite Bay Design: GBD Works: Creative Process, Implementation & Tutorials


Madison Flower Shop Anniversary Edition Magazine Booklet
Tutorial: Using a Black Touch Plate to Make Images Pop on Uncoated Stock
Madison Flower Shop Anniversary Edition Booklet

Above: Madison Flower Shop Tutorial: Creating a black touch plate—how to make images pop on uncoated paper with an additional layer in Adobe Photoshop.

Complex Adobe Photoshop Montages for Quinnipiac University Annual Report
Complex Adobe Photoshop Montages for Quinnipiac University Annual Report
Complex Adobe Photoshop Montages for Quinnipiac University Annual Report

Above: We created complex montages in Adobe Photoshop for a Quinnipiac University annual report. Each montage used up to 15 layers with masks, gradient fills and lines. This tutorial will show you the steps for one montage and examples from the finished report.

Restifo Plastic Surgery Brochure Overview
Restifo Plastic Surgery Brochure Overview
Restifo Plastic Surgery Brochure Overview

Above: This post covers just some of the steps in the design process for a high-end brochure for Restifo Plastic Surgery including implementing a curved shape for a die-cut cover.

University Campus-Wide Wayfinding Overhaul: Standards Manuals

Granite Bay Graphic Design worked closely with Quinnipiac University staff in developing new standards guides for the university’s campus-wide wayfinding (signage) overhaul. The heart of the project was the very extensive manuals we designed. These were broken down into nearly 30 chapters and included every detail. A very small segment of these manuals is included in the posts below.

The Crescent Dorm at Quinnipiac University. A look at Granite Bay Graphic Designs’ extensive standards manual for an overhaul of the university’s signage and wayfinding.
The Crescent Dorm at Quinnipiac University. A look at Granite Bay Graphic Designs’ extensive standards manual for an overhaul of the university’s signage and wayfinding.
The Crescent Dorm at Quinnipiac University. A look at Granite Bay Graphic Designs’ extensive standards manual for an overhaul of the university’s signage and wayfinding.

Above: The new Crescent dormitory at Quinnipac University posed unique wayfinding challenges. We developed a color-based navigation system for the dorm to especially help visitors to know where they were in relation to the massive structure.

Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: Font Pairing
Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: Font Pairing
Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: Font Pairing

Above: Designers have always been aware of the importance of font pairing in design projects. For the Quinnipiac University campus-wide wayfinding overhaul, we paired an updated version of the classic Caslon font with a more contemporary font, Interstate.

Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: ADA Compliance (Americans with Disabilities Act)
Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: ADA Compliance (Americans with Disabilities Act)
Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: ADA Compliance (Americans with Disabilities Act)

Above: As part of Quinnipiac University’s campus-wide wayfinding overhaul, we wanted to be sure our font selections (Adobe Caslon and Interstate) met The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards. Click above to learn more about this part of the project.

Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: Standards Manuals
Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: Standards Manuals
Quinnipiac University Campus-Wide Wayfinding (Signage) Overhaul: Standards Manuals

Above: The heart of Quinnipiac University’s campus-wide wayfinding overhaul are the standards manuals Granite Bay Graphic Design created. These standards guides were to be supplied to vendors and included even the tiniest details like Braille specifications, color palettes and screw hole sizes.

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