Quinnipiac University Exterior Brick-Based Building Identity Signs

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Quinnipiac University Exterior Brick-Based Building Identity Signs

Granite Bay Design: Graphic Design and Production

Quinnipiac University Brick-Based Building Identity Signs

Granite Bay Design was tasked with developing all of the new wayfinding for Quinnipiac University’s rapidly expanding campus and replacing existing signage that didn’t conform to any design standards. The University has several buildings on Whitney Avenue in North Haven. Each of these had different signage. Many of them were quite old and were in need of replacement. The images above show (left to right) the Whitney Village Apartments sign as it existed, Granite Bay Design’s detailed dimensions for the proposed new signs’ brick bases and a rendering of the new sign prior to the construction of the base and fabrication of the sign. The University approved this rendering.

Quinnipiac University Brick Pedestal Signs by Granite Bay Graphic Design

Quinnipiac University WQUN Brick Pedestal Sign by Granite Bay Graphic DesignAbove: Three of several signs along Whitney Avenue in North Haven, Connecticut. This was rendered so that University personnel could see the relative sizes of the signs in position. The center sign is for the University’s radio station, WQUN. My original rendering is shown on the right.

[See section on campus-wide signage]

About the Brick-Based Pedestals

Granite Bay Design felt that these signs needed to be substantial. We originally tried the signs with brushed steel posts on either side, but those lacked the presence we were hoping for. We then looked at bricks in varying configurations and settled on the design shown here.

Some years after these were installed, the University changed its graphic identity a bit. But, they kept the spirit of what we had established. The images below show those updates.

Quinnipiac University Wayfinding: Brick-Based “Whitney Village” Building Identification Sign
Quinnipiac University Wayfinding: Brick-Based “Integrated Marketing Communications” Building Identification Sign

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