Celtic Stencil Design N–“Gentle the Company”

Celtic Symbols and  Language  A Granite Bay Design Microsite

“…gentle the company…”


Athrachta fhóireas na Luighnigh

lór a déine

is í an bhanóg bhoinnfhionn Bhúille

coinneall chéire.

Ciarán Caoimhfhionn, Colam Cille

caomh an fhoireann

Pádraig, Martain, Mongan, Manann

Coman, Coireall.

An Tríonóid, mórMhuire is Míchéal

macradh gréine

aoinmhíle déag banógh mBúille

glanógh gléire.


Athrachta, helper of Limerick

speedy enough

is the white-soled young woman of the Boyle,

wax candle.

Gentle white Ciaran, Columcille

gentle the company

Patrick, Martin, Mongan, Manann,

Coman, Coireall.

The Trinity, great Mary and Michael

sunny band

eleven thousand noble virgins of the Boyle,

flower of pure virgins.

Stencils are rendered by Dutch artist Co Sinhoven and are his modern interpretation of “The Book of Kells.” All of this artwork is in the public domain. Learn more about the artist here.

Flying Bird Design from a Celtic Stencil by Co Spinhoven
1800 x 10 Transparent Bar